If you feel that bankruptcy could be where you are heading, we can help. We are one of the most well-known bankruptcy law firms in the area, providing Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers who specialize in offering legal information, advice and representation on the entire bankruptcy process.
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Questions and Answers
Q:(Traduit par Google) Qu'est-ce que Robert Gellar, un avocat chargé des faillites de Tampa, en Floride, a quelque chose à voir avec Holland et Horowitz, des avocats du Massachusetts et du Connecticut ?
What does Robert Gellar , a bankruptcy attorney from Tampa, Florida, have anything to do with Holland and Horowitz, lawyers from Mass. and Connecticut ?
(Traduit par Google)
Il est préférable que votre question leur soit adressée. Geller est un cabinet de faillite très compétent et il ne serait pas inhabituel qu'il entretienne des relations professionnelles avec d'autres avocats.
Your question is best directed to them. Geller is a highly competent bankruptcy firm and it would not be unusual for them to have professional relationships with other attorneys.
RRick Solis
4 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Avez-vous des bureaux dans la région de St. Pete ?
Do you have offices in the St. Pete area
(Traduit par Google) Ils ont un bureau au centre-ville de St. Pete.
They have an office in downtown St. Pete.
JJamie Book
6 years ago
Q:What does Robert Gellar , a bankruptcy attorney from Tampa, Florida, have anything to do with Holland and Horowitz, lawyers from Mass. and Connecticut ?
Your question is best directed to them. Geller is a highly competent bankruptcy firm and it would not be unusual for them to have professional relationships with other attorneys.